Saturday, June 2, 2012

Free fun, and helping someone in need? Yes please!

This isn't my typical post about free things to do here in Albuquerque... but it IS a free event, and an opportunity for you and your family to come together to help someone in need right here at home!

Joy Junction is Albuquerque's largest homeless shelter, and they help hundreds of those in need every day. Providing food, shelter, clothes, hygiene kits and more to those who need a hand up in life. They are always looking for volunteers to help around the grounds, serve food, and participate in helping those who can really use a helping hand.

I have been working with Dr. Jeremy Reynolds and Joy Junction since I was little. I have donated time, clothes, home goods and more over the years, and even co-chaired a gala a few years ago that benefited Joy Junction to the tune of nearly a thousand dollars and a truck load of donated items. They are always appreciative of the help and donations, and could really use a few extra hands to help out.

You can visit their website to find out how you can help. You need to submit a volunteer sign up form, then complete the orientation, followed by serving lunch. After that, a whole world of opportunity will open up for you and your family to donate whatever talents you have. Ministry, crafts for the kids, grounds clean up, building repair, and more... they need it all. Check out their website to get all the info and see what YOU can do help out the less fortunate of Albuquerque!

Joy Junction's Website

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